Thursday, 19 March 2015

New Camera

I have said for many years that the next time I get a camera, I'll get a decent one with lots of exciting settings to learn about. I'm not entirely sure why it took me so long to get round to it, perhaps planning a wedding, or training for qualifications for work. I'm not one for New Years Resolutions, but I decided at the start of this year that this would be the year I got myself the shiny new camera.

My creative sister from was staying over on the night of the arrival of the new camera, so Her work was the first victim of my photographic attacks. I like the colours she's using in this project, and how the folds create light and shadows.

The camera is clever as it can focus on things and make the background look blurry. I like this effect!

I had a play around with the selective colour setting. You can select a range of colours for it to pick out and it puts the rest in black and white. It's clever because you can choose which colours you want it to show.

An action shot of the sewing!

It's like a field full of flowers!

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